Make your nonprofit financial statements more meaningful with these 4 changes…
Make your nonprofit financial statements more meaningful with these 4 changes…

With new guidelines for the presentation of nonprofit financial statements, how do you enhance your statements to make them more meaningful? Here are 4 ways…...

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Cash controls for nonprofits: How to address the risk of fraud
Cash controls for nonprofits: How to address the risk of fraud

Protecting your nonprofit from fraudsters is important. Check out some of the cash controls commonly used by small nonprofits to minimize the risk of theft....

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Nonprofit lobbying: Do’s and Don’ts for public charities
Nonprofit lobbying: Do’s and Don’ts for public charities

If you’re a public charity, lobbying may not be as off limits as you think. Find out the do’s & don’ts of nonprofit lobbying before next year’s election arrives…...

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Contributions vs exchange transactions for nonprofits: What accountants need to know about ASU 2018-08
Contributions vs exchange transactions for nonprofits: What accountants need to know about ASU 2018-08

If you're a nonprofit accounting professional, here's what you need to know about ASU 2018-08 and how it distinguishes between exchange transactions and various types of contributions made by nonprofit organizations....

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7 steps to convert cash basis to accrual basis accounting
7 steps to convert cash basis to accrual basis accounting

As your organization grows, you may need to learn how to convert cash basis accounting to accrual basis accounting. Here are 7 steps you should follow…...

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Showing 5 Posts of 5 Pages


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